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2015 - Art Winner

Shania Isbister

Prince Albert, SK
Age 19

Author's Statement

“One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else.” ― K.L. Toth.

It’s warm, familiar and comforting, to the heart and there is nothing you can do when you’ve lost it all, you can try and look for it but there is a chance it won’t be in the same condition when you lost it. It is history, it’s yourself you’ve lost, you were able to find it but you are afraid to become who you were after being told and even beaten for being who you were before after the harsh and cold touch of being unaccepted. Your history, your self is all in the mask, when it’s on, it’s not the same as being who you were. You’ll treasure it, miss it, you’ll deny it as well.

The medium I chose to work with were charcoal and india ink, for I felt they would give a harsh feeling within the piece. I decided to make the piece a greyscale for the lack of colour in his own world. He shadows over the eerie forest, but his new self it guided by the new found god pushed onto him.