
Indigenous Arts & Stories - The Language Nest

The Language Nest

2019 - Writing Winner

"To learn our language from long ago Because my great grandma was told no"

Read Nescia Giangrosso's The Language Nest

Nescia Giangrosso

Elginburg, ON
Age 8

Author's Statement

I wrote a poem with words that rime. My poem is about my experiences trying to learn Ojibwe. My mom, brother and I go to the language nest. We play games and do crafts to learn Anishinaabemowin. It is fun and I wish we could learn Ojibwe at school so I wrote a poem so adults can hear that this is important to me.


The Language Nest

Once upon a time before I was eight

My mom took me on a special date

She brought me to the language nest

Man! Ojibwe is hard but I try my best

To learn our language from long ago

Because my great grandma was told no

I am glad I didn’t quit because

Now I know words like ndishnikaas

I go to school all the time

To learn French but not mine

At Language Nest we planted beans from seed

And learned that love is all they need

Really we are all the same

No matter where from you came

Just be proud where you come from

Then the world can be more fun

One day I got to make a drum

With friends from school. It was fun.

We got a ring and stretched the hides

It was tricky but I really tried

Elders teach me things they know

To learn our culture as I grow

The Language Nest is really cool,

I wish I could learn Ojibwe in school.